Intellectual Property Consent Form

CryptoSlate adheres to a strict policy that is guided by transparency and consent.

  • Rigorous

    It is critical that the facts are always delivered with utmost objectivity. Before an article is published, it is examined by an editor to ensure all facts are presented objectively and free from bias.

  • Copyright and

    All of our writers are required to source images and quotes that are within the public domain and always attribute any assets used to the original owner or creator.

  • Strict Advertising

    CryptoSlate does not do business with any projects that advertise any form of guaranteed returns, use deceptive marketing or refuse to publicly identify team members.

  • Who Is Behind

    CryptoSlate is an independent publication registered in the United States. CryptoSlate is not owned or controlled by any company that operates within the blockchain or cryptocurrency industry.

By completing and signing this form, I hereby authorize CryptoSlate to publish any articles, videos, and/or media in which I, the undersigned, have full ownership over. I further agree that CryptoSlate may transfer with prior notice, use or cause to be used, these articles, and/or videos in which my project will appear as well as the artwork or narratives for any exhibitions, public displays, publications, commercials, art and public media programs including television without limitations or reservations.